Thursday, January 3, 2013


In Islam, science and technology is critical to building a strong and resilient civilization. As the first Muslim caliph pushing for creation of technologies and making scientific work to develop and utilize the existing natural resources. As we know scientists like al-Khwarizmi Islamic mathematician Ibn Firnas drafter aircraft, Jabir Ibn Haiyan father of chemistry, and much more. They all put all the effort and work for the people. So, Islam never forbids science and technology, but rather Islam has always been the forefront of science and technology since the 13th century.

In a hadith the Prophet SAW said:
"You better know your world affairs"
This hadith shows the permissibility of science and technology because at that time the Prophet was asked by someone on the farm, but the Prophet did not give the correct answer because the Prophet was not an expert in agriculture.
Thus, science and technology are Madaniyah 'am the object that had nothing to do with hadlarah. As Imam an-Nabhani Taqiyuddin Nizhamul Islam in his book that "The forms are a product Madaniyah advancement of science and technology development / industry Madaniyah quite general nature, belongs to all mankind". Madaniyah itself is a form of physical forms bentu objects terindera and used in life that covers all activities of life.

So with this it is clear that the products of science and technology in the Islamic view allowed / permissible. But remember there are also Madaniyah bahwasannya that are typical of such statues, crosses, stars david, etc. it is the work / results of hadlarah than Islam, then using it is a wickedness and haraam.
We need to know that hadlarah is a set of ideas / understanding of life. Each has a different ideology hadlarah. West, for example, the purpose of life for them is to seek pleasure by seeking the maximum benefit, while Islam aims to reach please Allah and the default is halal-haram. This means that the use of science and technology in Islam is to reach out to please Allah.


The conclusion is that Islam regards the objects of science and technology results are permissible. Anyone can pick it up and use it. In use is different anatara Islamic minded people with like-minded people capitalist or socialist. Then we select the glasses stay right where to look and menghukumi various facts. Islam? Capitalist? Or socialist? Life is a choice then choose the best option because we would dipertnggung accountable in the Hereafter.


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