Monday, January 7, 2013

How Turtle Sailing

Many studies have noted how the turtles migrate back to their homeland after 10 years of wandering the seas, but the results are not satisfactory. How were the turtles do not just go back to where it came from, but they can also find a way to get home after wandering. Everyone knows that in finding his way all the time, these creatures show extraordinary intelligence.

How Turtle SailingSome opinions have difficulty in solving the turtle, think that for the first time in your life, you're going to a place with the right conditions so that you may be able to stay. You can find this place without making mistakes, and then for the first time, you can go to another place right. Assuming beforehand that you have to go back, you try to remember every character in this place make notes on aroma, features of the natural environment, even a natural attraction to the area. When you go back to this place, you bring all the recorded information that is ready to be played. In this case of course the system can not only determine your knowledge about the natural attractions of this place but you can also make something right out of your environment through the determination of the identity of these characters.
Of course it is impossible to do all of this without the help of technology tools. Of course, absurd to imagine that the turtle can do the same thing in him.
In a period of research on the turtles are still not clear to understand. Even if we know how they could do this, the system turns out they do not grow by itself.

God created everything in the world and prove to his eternal intelligence in every corner of the world. Allah gives to whom He wills in accordance with His knowledge appropriate that he wanted. Those who deny God, they will find no where else, even if they conduct research throughout their lives. Described in the Qur'an that God does not exist anymore (besides Allah).

Meaning: "Verily your Lord is Allah, who there is no god but He. His knowledge encompasses all things." (Al-Quran : Thoha: 98)


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